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For Health and Beauty

The Blog of Northwest Vein Center

Our Top Medical Charity Choices 

April 28, 2015

In light of the recent Nepalese earthquake many people are asking themselves what they can do to help. Though we are far from the disaster, the images and stories arriving everyday speak to the urgent need of the Nepalese people and the courage of those in Nepal trying to help with the relief.

To encourage you to make a donation, both for the relief of the Nepalese people and for the ongoing medical needs of emerging nations, we at Northwest Vein Center have compiled a list of our top picks for medical charities. Remember, natural disasters aren’t the only cause of urgent medical need. Please consider making your donation to these charities ongoing, rather than just a one-time gift. There is always need in the world, and we are a privileged few who can answer it. 


Doctors Without Borders- With more than 30,000 volunteers this organization is known to visit some of the most dangerous and impoverished areas in the world. Their relief teams work to treat catastrophic injuries, provide vaccines, and establish effective treatments for illnesses.     


Doctors Offering Charitable Services- This American based organization provides necessary cosmetic surgery for individuals living with debilitating conditions. While they send volunteers to many third-world countries, they also provide surgeries to impoverished people within the United States.  


International Medical Corps- This global non-profit has responded to nearly every major emergency in the past two decades. Their goal is simple: improve the quality of life through health interventions. They are currently in Nepal working to save lives and establish safe facilities to those affected by the earthquake.


UNICEF- This fund for children and mothers is run by the United Nations. It aims to provide food and healthcare to developing nations, as well as those affected by disaster.


Direct Relief- Founded in 1948, this organization works with pharmaceutical companies to deliver medication and healthcare equipment to vulnerable populations. They are known for their incredible efficiency and resource management.  


Handicap International- This independent non-profit organization aims to help disabled people living in poverty or in regions of natural disasters. They provide medical care as well as necessary tools, like wheelchairs and crutches, for disabled populations .


Dr. Gregory also went to Honduras recently with the Hackett Hemwall Foundation to provide vascular treatments for persons in poverty.  The Hackett Hemwall Foundation provides medical, dental, and educational support for people around the world. Giving back has always been a part of Northwest Vein Center's mission, and we hope you will make it a part of your mission as well. Both locally and internationally there are people in need. Sharing your strengths, time, and resources, can ease the pain and hunger felt by so many.     

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