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For Health and Beauty

The Blog of Northwest Vein Center

Raising Active and Healthy Children

July 29, 2015

The foundation for a healthy lifestyle can be built at any age. If you have children you know how eager they are to learn and grow, following their parents’ examples. Thought your child may not be dealing with health issues right now, it’s never too soon to begin teaching the habits that will keep them healthy and happy for life. We at Northwest Vein Center want to see a world free from preventable childhood illnesses. By practicing and teaching these healthy habits to our children we hope to get one step closer to this goal.

  1. Cook with your children: Not only is this fun activity an opportunity to bond with you children, it is also a great time to discuss healthy food choices to children at any age. For younger children dinner preparation may include teaching them the food groups and asking them to sort ingredients by color or food category. With slightly older children you can explain proper food safety techniques (hand washing, and utensil cleaning) as well as the science of cooking. Throughout their lives you have the opportunity to show children what healthy choices look like in the kitchen. Teaching them to cook healthy balanced meals is a skill that will serve them well long after they’ve graduated from high school.
  2. Encourage sports and active activities: Social considerations like teamwork and friendship aside, encouraging your child to develop a physical skill will help them build muscle and expand their endurance. With a multitude of options available at any age you can bet that there is a pursuit that will delight your child. While some may prefer intense group activities like soccer or basketball, for shyer children options like swimming might be an ideal choice. No matter what sport or hobby your child chooses, you shouldn’t let your time on the sidelines go to waste. Take that time, not as a chance to catch up on work email, but instead to get up and be active yourself. Walk around the sideline, take pictures, and actively cheer. Your child will see how proud you are and that will encourage their continued involvement. You also have the added bonus of making your own life more active and healthy.
  3. Limit screen time: If you work in front of a computer screen every day then you understand the strain that poor posture and eye fatigue can bring into your daily life. While relaxation and entertainment are always going to be a part of your family routine, make sure that your house has clear rules about time children spend with computers, televisions, and game devices. By encouraging your children to spend time creatively entertaining themselves they avoid the bad habit of crashing on the couch everyday after school till it’s time for bed. They will spend more time being active, and they’ll engage with you and the rest of the family.
  4. Drink water: As obvious as this seems, it can be easy to overlook- especially for younger children who don’t yet have the agency to say when they are thirsty. Proper hydration is crucial for keeping the body’s internal systems functioning properly. It aids with digestion, and helps with hunger if you are still a few minutes from a healthy meal. The best way to encourage hydration is to set a good example, and come prepared. Drink plenty of water yourself, and always pack a water bottle for daily activities. If you drive to lots of extracurricular activities have a pack of water bottles in the car to pass out to your child and their friends.   

Overall, you already know you are the biggest influence in the lives of your children. Being a parent is about recognizing the opportunities you have to teach positive life skills. These little tips are just the beginning of a lifetime of teaching and learning that goes into having a child. The first step to teaching a healthy lifestyle is to set a positive example. It’s never too early or too late to start!   

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