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The Blog of Northwest Vein Center

Common Questions about Varicose and Spider Veins 

March 25, 2015

Every day Northwest Vein Center treats men and women of all ages for venous diseases. Our goal is to improve the health, comfort, and confidence of every patient in our relaxing clinic environment. Along each treatment path our staff inevitably receives some of the following questions. With so much misinformation being shared about the treatment of varicose and spider veins we wanted to set the record straight. Here are the top questions we receive about vascular health and treatments.

Are spider veins the same as varicose veins?

No. While both issues are caused by dysfunctional vein valves which cause blood to pool in the legs rather than be returned to the heart, the two issues have different visual presentations and treatment options. Varicose veins are large bulging veins, found mostly on the legs. They can cause swelling, pain, and sometimes more serious concerns. Spider veins appear as web-like networks of effected veins. Though their presence is often less painful than that of varicose veins, their treatment is still advisable to limit potential complications.

Can varicose veins be permanently treated?

While in the past treatment methods for venous diseases often had to be performed several times over a patient’s lifetime, modern treatment methods have much lower rates of recurrence. As specialists in the field of venous medical treatments, our clinic provides the most current and effective treatment options to our patients in a spa-like setting. While no doctor be 100% sure that the venous issue is completely resolved, we work diligently to ensure your complete satisfaction and recovery.

Is poor hydration to blame for varicose or spider veins?

While drinking plenty of water throughout the day has many health benefits, it is not a contributing factor to the prevention or cause of vascular dysfunction. Most venous symptoms are the result of several factors. Pregnancy, genetics, weight, age, history of injuries, and excessive daily standing all contribute to the presence and severity of spider and varicose veins.

Aren’t varicose veins just a cosmetic issue? Do they really need to be treated?

While varicose veins can be an unsightly presence, they can also be far more than a simple cosmetic issue. Varicose veins are a progressively destructive indication of vascular insufficiency. Because these painful and swollen veins are a result of nonfunctioning vein valves their early treatment may be essential to limit permanent damage to the vascular system. Varicose veins can also carry a risk of developing into other medical issues.

Does crossing your legs cause varicose veins?

This is of course the most common vascular health myth. Take our word for it; the answer is no. From reading this blog, you are already familiar with some of the most common factors in venous dysfunction. Crossing your legs is simply not one of them.


Now that you’ve taken time to learn the facts about various venous treatments and ailments, take time to share that information with your friends and loved ones. Early diagnosis is key to effective treatment. If you have any questions or concerns about your vascular health don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our free consultations are an excellent opportunity to explore if vein treatment services are right for you. 

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