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The Blog of Northwest Vein Center

Do's and Don’ts for Spider and Varicose Veins

April 04, 2016

It is estimated that as much as 50% of people over the age of 50 are affected by varicose and spider veins.  For some people, they are a cosmetic concern, but for others they can cause significant discomfort and other medical issues.  Given that this is such a common issue, we’ve listed here some tips to help diminish the appearance of varicose and spider veins.  

Varicose veins and spider veins can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the legs and feet.   Changes in hormones such as pregnancy or menopause, age, sedentary lifestyle and occupation, heat and obesity are just some of the factors causing people to suffer from painful spider or varicose veins. Due to some predisposed conditions, such as if varicose veins runs in your family, varicose and spider veins may be inevitable for some people. However, there are many preventative measures and medical procedures available to diminish the appearance and reduce the pain associated with these common vein conditions.


  • Do listen to your body. Both varicose and spider veins can be a cosmetic concern, however they can also have significant symptoms and health consequences such as: fatigue, night cramps, leg swelling or itching around the affected veins. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor about your symptoms, or contact us at Northwest Vein Center for further assistance.
  • Do keep active. Keep those legs moving with any kind of physical activity such as walking, cycling and swimming.   Activity helps maintain good blood circulation in the legs and will reduce pressure and blood pooling.
  • Do maintain a healthy weight. Reducing body weight may help to prevent varicose and spider veins. Sustaining a healthy weight will eliminate excess pressure on your legs that cause veins to surface.
  • Do wear compression stockings to elevate pressure to the veins. While support hose ensures that pressure is evenly distributed on legs it is important to watch out for pressure from restrictive clothing that might actually trap blood, causing clots. Clothing around body parts such as the waist, legs and the groin area can restrict circulation and lead to spider and varicose veins.


  • Don’t sit or stand for long periods of time. Being in one position for an extended period of time can place pressure on veins, so it’s important to keep your legs moving. Changing positions every 30 minutes will help blood flow and keep veins healthy. Flexing calves muscles frequently is also a good exercise to do at your desk on long car trips or on a plane to keep up circulation.
  • Don’t assume all treatments will work for you. Speak to your doctor about the variety of treatment options available, such as lasers or injections. Our physicians at Northwest Vein Center can talk to you about your symptoms and form a care plan that best suits your needs.  Depending on the severity your symptoms and the extent of veins affected, our doctors can determine the best treatment option for you.
  • Don’t subject legs to excessive heat. Everyone enjoys a hot bath or relaxing in a hot tub on occasion but it’s important to keep it to a minimum. The heat associated with baths and hot tubs will actually increase vein swelling and lead to blood pooling.
  • Don’t fall for scams or bogus advertisements. When seeking options for vein treatment, be cautious.  Advertisements that claim to be “unique,” “permanent” or “painless” could be tempting, but may not be legitimate. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the variety of procedures available and what’s best for you.  

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