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For Health and Beauty

The Blog of Northwest Vein Center

Tips to Staying Healthy This Fall

September 02, 2016

It’s hard to believe Labor Day weekend is upon us! The Washington State Fair in Puyallup, our local reminder that summer is wrapping up, is about to begin.  We here at Northwest Vein Center hope some of you get out to enjoy the fair and our last long weekend of the summer before…back to school!   As kids to head back to school, many of us parents focus on the needs of our children, but kids and parents alike benefit from these few measures to stay healthy.  As the fall weather approaches and schedules start to get busy, remember to take some time to care for your and your family’s health.  

1. Establish a regular bedtime routine

It's essential for kids and adults to get a healthy amount of sleep each night to stay alert and focused throughout the day.  Sleep requirements naturally vary from person to person, but generally speaking, most adults need about eight hours of sleep each night.  Children and adolescents, depending on age, typically need 9-11 hours of sleep each night.  If you’ve let your bedtime slip during the summer, now is the time to start getting your kids back on a school schedule…before school starts.  

2. Stay up to date on your immunizations 

Immunizations help prevent diseases.  Immunizations not only help keep us healthy, but it also helps protect our communities from outbreaks of preventable diseases.  If that’s not enough, just think of the cost of medical care, including the time off work due to illness, the risk of secondary infections or severe illness and possible of hospitalization due to not being vaccinated.  Some employers, especially in the medical field, and most schools require certain vaccinations.  Talk to your doctor or medical provider about what immunizations are right for you.  The CDC recommends the flu vaccine (influenza vaccine) every year for everyone over 6 months old.  Flu vaccines are available starting early fall, so now is a perfect time to get immunized.

3. Good hygiene can keep you healthy

It should go without saying, but good hand washing can keep you healthy.  Teach your children to wash their hands after using the bathroom every time and before eating – and make sure you follow the same rules yourself.  Hand sanitizer works just as well as soap and water and is an acceptable alternative if you are on the road (or at the fair!) with little access to soap and hot water. 

4. Eat healthy

A packed lunch from home is not only cheaper than buying lunch out, it’s healthier too.  But avoid bringing junk food, sodas and pre-packaged foods.  Stick to whole grain breads, lean meats, hard boiled eggs, nuts, vegetables and fruit.  Pack your family’s lunches the night before and stick them in the fridge to help save time in the morning.  Talk to friends for lunch ideas, or search online for lunch inspirations to keep things from getting monotonous. 

5. Make exercise part of the routine

When schedules get busy, keeping exercise in your routine can be an easy thing to skip.  But don’t do it!  Exercise not only has cardiovascular benefits and can help reduce weight, blood pressure and blood glucose, but it is an important part of good sleep hygiene and stress reduction.  Exercise and weight loss also help reduce the risk of varicose veins.  

5. Manage stress

Going back to school and getting back into your fall routine can be stressful.  Take time to relax and enjoy family time.  Action-packed weekends can be fun, but remember to have unscheduled time as well.  Have game night, go for walks, read a book, talk to a friend.  Avoid the impulse to over schedule. 

We wish you and your family a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  Enjoy!

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